2010 Schedult of Events/Seminars
1. Jan 11, "Global Warming Reality 地球暖化 (5 Sections), Section 1 - No More Denial 無可否認" by Dr. Ching (Cantonese). Toronto
2. May 8, "Beyond infinity: How to expand our thinking mode" by Dr. Ching Lo (English) at Ryerson University, Toronto. Poster
3. Invited Lecture Series
May-Jun, "Harbin Institute of Technology", 90th Anniversary
Lectures, Harbin, CHINA
Lecture 1: "The Realities of Global Warming"
Lecture 2: "Global Warming Root-cause Analysis"
Lecture 3: "Quantitative Solutions to Global Warming"
Lecture 4: "Application of immunochemistry to environmental analysis"
4. June 12, "Macro & Micro views: The meaning of life" by Dr. Ching Lo (English) at Ryerson University, Toronto.
5. July 10, "Perception of reality and spirituality: Is God and ghosts real?" by Dr. Ching Lo (English) at Ryerson University, Toronto.
6. Aug 7, "Energy levels of consciousness" by Dr. Ching Lo (English) at Ryerson University, Toronto.