Items That Individuals & Families Can Do
- Reduce car trips by walking, biking or using public transit
- When replacing your car make energy-efficiency the top priority
- Avoid unnecessary idling of motor vehicles or gasoline lawn mower
- Avoid throwaway items like paper coffee cups and plastic bags. Use a reusable travel mug and cloth shopping bags
- Buy used goods when possible
- Avoid over-packaged goods and don't buy anything you don't really need
- Compost kitchen scraps of plastic wrap/bags, avoid single serving items such as yogurt, use travel mugs for daily coffee/tea
- Instead of bottled water try a reusable jug filled with chilled tap water or use treated water, wherever possible
Energy conservation
- Unplug coffeemakers, toasters and microwaves. Make sure they’re unplugged on weekends and before shutting the office down for the holidays
- Make your house more energy efficient (heating, cooling, appliances, light bulbs) to cut back on fossil fuel use (including for generating electricity)
- Buy locally grown, organic fruits and vegetables to minimize food miles and pesticide use
- Practice organic, low-maintenance lawn and garden care
- Where feasible, start an organic waste composting program
- When traveling, provide a set of re-usable dishware– i.e. plates, bowls, cups, cutlery, etc.
- Use environmentally-safe, non-toxic, biodegradable dish soap and cleaning products
- Read Green Kitchens 101 for more information
- Promote office litterless lunches – i.e. reusable containers instead
- Switch to green office supplies where available (i.e. recyclable paper, toner cartridges, pens, etc)
- Consider the environmental impact of all purchasing decisions relating to workshops, conferences and meetings:
- Choose venues that are transit accessible and provide waste diversion
- Procure local food from green caterers
- Minimize the printing of presentations, agendas, etc.
- Turn off meeting room lights when not in use
- In the summer, unnecessary lighting can increase air conditioning load
- Dim, turn off or remove lights near windows in the daytime
- Use efficient task lighting where needed
- Use the stairs instead of taking the elevator, if I am able to. It not only saves energy, it is good exercise
- Keep entrance doors closed
- Use the revolving doors into my office building. Revolving doors keep heat and cool air inside
- Use standby mode for computers and copiers. These tend to be in use only a fraction of the time they are turned on
- Turn all equipment off at the end of the day. This includes lights, copiers, computers and computer monitors
- Use paper-reducing strategies. Consider double-sided printing, re-using paper, and using e-mail instead of mailing or faxing documents